*The Cumberland Plateau Planning District Commission fully complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related statutes and regulations in all programs and activities.

CPPDC Transportation Resources

Rural Regional Long Range Plan

The Long Range Transportation Plan is a planning document that identifies transportation needs, goals and recommendations for Buchanan, Dickenson, Russell and Tazewell Counties. It addresses transportation concerns for highways, bridges, rail, bike, pedestrian, aviation and public transit.

Public Participation

A Gude to Participating in the Planning and Programming Process:

Demographic Data

2020 US Census Demographic Data for Buchanan, Dickenson, Russell and Tazewell Counties

VDOT Funding Sources

SMART SCALE is the process of developing and implementing a quantifiable and transparent prioritization process for making funding decisions for capacity enhancing projects within the Six-Year Improvement Program

Smart Scale Project Applications >
Smart Scale Resources >

Six Year Improvement Plan is an allocation plan that allots transportation funds from all sources for all projects for the next six years.

Six Year Improvement Plan Database >
Six Year Improvement Plan Resources >

VTRANS is  Virginia’s Statewide Transportation Plan. It lays out vision and goals for the Commonwealth of Virginia

VTRANS Resources >

Transportation Alternatives Program is a program that focuses on providing pedestrian and bicycle facilities and other community improvements.

Transportation Alternatives Resources >

Revenue Sharing Program is a program that provides funding for use by a county, city, or town to construct, reconstruct, or improve qualifying highway projects

Revenue Sharing Resources >

State of Good Repair is a program that provides funds to meet the asset management needs of bridges and highways

Highway Safety Improvement Program is a program that provides funds to improve locations where there is a high concentration, or risk, of vehicle crashes that result in deaths or injuries

Highway Safety Improvement Resources >

Rural Rustic Roads is a program that provides funds to pave Virginia’s low volume unpaved roads

Rural Rustic Roads Resources >