Cumberland Plateau Company

About Us

In 1979 the Planning District Commission created the Cumberland Plateau Company (CPC), a Virginia non-stock, not-for-profit corporation, for the purpose of owning real property, raising funds, and performing other activities not prohibited by Virginia laws.

More recently the Cumberland Plateau Company has turned its attention to the high-tech infrastructure of the four county region. Partnering with Bristol Virginia Utility’s OptiNet service in 2004 to form CPC Optinet, the Company obtained nearly $50 million in 100 percent grant funding for the construction of a 700 mile fiber optic backbone and middle mile fiber network. BVU sold its assets, inclding its 50 percent ownership in CPC Optinet, to ITC in August, 2018, and ITC recently rebranded as Point Broadband. Correspondinly, CPC Optinet is now known as Cumberland Plateau Broadband, and our co-owned network is now serving over 800 industrial, commercial, governmental and educational institutions in the region. These customers, including CGI, Northrup Grumman, Sykes, Pyott-Boone and Dickenson County Public Schools, are employing thousands of people and/or enhancing K-12 opportunities for students.Current efforts are taking place to deploy fiber to the home, something that wasn’t previously allowed by the public funders of the system. Point Broadband commited to invest $7 million to a New Connecton Fund over the next 6 years for residential service in the CPC counties as part of the Operating Agreement with CPC..

In addition, the PDC partnered with the Virginia Coalfield Coalition and Lenowisco PDC to obtain $14.5 million in public funding to create a Wireless 4G network in five (5) coalfield counties. Private investment from the private carrier was approximately $9 million.