Research and analysis of economic opportunities and concerns for business resiliency and recovery from economic shocks including the COVID-19 pandemic
This document is a a tool for all community stakeholders to use by increasing public awareness about local hazards and risks, while at the same time providing information about options and resources available to reduce those risks
This plan is a strategy driven plan for regional economic development
BRECC’s Economic Diversification Strategies aim to prepare coal communities to overcome economic shocks and build stronger local economies.
The Southwest Virginia Regional Wastewater Study is intended to serve as a road map for future implementation of sanitary sewer collection, treatment and disposal projects in Southwest Virginia region
The major sections in the Plan include information on water sources, water use, and natural resources in the region
The purpose of the Virginia Coalfields Regional Water Study is to develop and evaluate, without regard to geographical or political boundaries, alternatives for regionalized water systems capable of providing water service to previously unserved areas and improving service to areas currently served
A strategy for a creative economy based off of the region’s authentic, distinctive, and alive assets of traditional music, art and craft, local food and drink, and outdoor beauty and rcreation